Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fictional Acceptance Speech (OC)

Could it be plausible that such a boring article got me this award?I thought it was not, but apparently it was. Thanks for giving me the honor of receiving the Pulitzer Prize. I am going to tell you about the article I received the award for, what the award means to me, and how thankful I am to those who gave me the award.

First off, I am going to tell you about the article I received the award for. One day i was thinking about the elections and I thought, 'Oh I have the perfect idea for an article.' The article I wrote was about elections being like a divorce case of he said she said. One opponent will invent propaganda about the other opponent, sort of like a husband and wife that get divorced saying different things about the other to make the other sound bad. Well it is like a he said she said thing except the commercials air on the television.

Next, I am going to tell you what the award means to me. I never thought in a million years I would receive such an honor. I thought all my articles were garbage until this award. This award means that all my hardwork writing that article paid off. Also, it means that I have succeeded in getting my point across for my article. This artcle means that I have done something worth all the time and effort it spent on doing it.

Finally, I am to tell you how thankful I am to those who gave me the award. I am really happy that the committee chose me to win this award. I nefver thought that the committee would pick my article for such an honor.

Let's review. The three things I talked about were: the article I received the award for, what the award means to me, and how thankful I am to those who gave me the award. Apparently it was plausible that such a boring story could get me this award.


  1. nice one sis. I see you stole jessica's thoughts for your idea. lol i actually like your fictional award speech

  2. thanks i thought it was okay too

  3. Was not being conceited. Thanks sis I just thought that this award would be appropriate for me.
