Sunday, January 24, 2010

Parents Who Murder Their Children

Why would a parent murder a child? Does the parents who murder children kill them out of rage? Do the parents who murder children kill them because they have a mental condition? In some cases of children being murdered by parents the answer is yes to the preceding questions.

In many cases where parents murdered children,murdered them in a fit of rage. "The mother who throws the child against the wall" is the most common perpetrator. This type of murder may possibly have not happened, had the murder seen a psychologist. This type of murder happens in an uncontrolled rage,usually.

In other cases, parents have killed their children because of mental issues. A mother in Texas, suffering from post partum depression, drowned all five of her children in a bathtub. Some murders of children have been done do to an ongoing mental condition in the parent.

Murdering children, one of the worst crimes, by parents only makes the situation worse. Parents who desire murdering their children should see a psychiatrist or pyschologist instead of finishing the act of murdering their children. For more information go to why do parents kill their children.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Stand I Would Like to Take

Is it possible for anyone to take a stand? I will be honest and say that I never have taken a stand, but I would like the opportunity to be able to take a stand. If I could take a stand on anything, it would be drunk driving.

I would take a stand on drunk driving because I have known a few people who have lost their lives to drunk drivers. I have also know a few drunk drivers who I deem stupid, because usually these drivers get into wrecks. Drunk driving endangers all those on the road with them.

Why would anyone want to get behind the wheel drunk? This is a question I have, because usually the drunk does not die. Usually, in wrecks with drunk drivers the people who suffer the most are the sober ones who are in the wreck with the drunk drivers. The drunks do not seem to think about the fact they may rid families of the lives of loved ones they hold so dear.

In conclusion, I know I have never taken a stand on anything. I would love to be able to take a stand against drunk drivers. Drunks do not deserve to be able to get behind the wheel of a car.

A Stand I Admire Someone for Taking

Would you take a stand for against an injustice you witness? Many would probably hope they would take a stand against an injustice. The person I most admire for taking a stand is Martin Luther King Jr.

King took a stand for the civil rights of his people the African Americans. You see they were not allowed many of the priveledges of the white folks. He stood up for their rights to be able to use the same facilities as the white people did. He also stood up for the rights of the African Americans to be able to ride in the front of the bus.

King led marches and aided in boycotts. He got arrested for his cause. He wanted to give his people the assurance that they would have the same freedoms as the white folks did. He took a stand against the segregation of his people from the white folks. He gave speeches that were attempts to get his point across. He helped lead a bus boycott in which the African Americans, as well as some of the whites, refused to use the buses.

In conclusion, I believe King’s stand put some head way as far as civil rights go. King is the person I most admire for taking a stand. He was willing to do what it took for his cause. How many can say that?

Blue Moon Book Review

Ever and Damen have the rest of eternity together or do they. When the new kid Roman shows up he seams charming to most, even Damen, but not so much Ever. Alyson Noel’s Blue Moon shocked me with its tale of sort of magical occurrences.

Ever takes a stand against Roman. When Roman seems to have everyone else under his spell, Ever senses something is not right. Ever thinks it could be possible that Roman is an immortal rogue, out to get her and Damen, but there is no Ouboros tattoo on his wrist. The weirdest thing happens after Roman is there for a little while. The jocks start hanging out with the drama geeks. The goths and the A-list girls start gossiping. Ever realizes this just happened after Roman showed up. As Roman tries to pull her into his wing, she pulls away.

Ever thought she and Damen would be together forever. But not long after Roman shows up Damen starts acting strange. One day Ever and Damen were all for each other, the next Damen was completely unaware of her existence it seemed. Ever suspicioned that Damen had been poisoned by Roman because he was acting mortal. He had an aura, and it was clear he was having horny thoughts about other girls. This would have been okay accept Damen does not have an aura usually or think in horny thoughts about anybody,especially when he and Ever have been together for four hundred years and through out many of Ever's incarnations.

If you want to find out what happens to Damen and Ever’s relationship, and what’s up with Roman you have to read the book. I recommend that those who like the possibility of living forever and mystical lands read the book.